This Medieval Princess Refused to Marry An Emperor

Ilana Quinn
6 min readJan 17, 2024

Agnes of Bohemia rejected the man who could have made her the most powerful woman in Europe

St. Agnes of Bohemia | Public Domain

Travel to modern-day Prague, and you will find the charming but quaint Convent of Saint Agnes resting on the right bank of the winding Vltava River.

While the convent is perhaps less impressive than the other medieval sites you can visit in central Europe, its simple furnishings and shallow arches are nonetheless captivating. The pale cream walls of the structure provide a pleasant contrast to the greenery of the convent’s garden.

More interesting than the architecture of the convent is the story of Saint Agnes, the mysterious and counter-cultural Bohemian princess who inaugurated it.

Agnes’s decision to spurn the advances of the Holy Roman Emperor — the most powerful man in Europe during the Middle Ages — both shocked her contemporaries and propelled her into the historical spotlight.

An unconventional childhood

Young Agnes of Bohemia | Public Domain

The Middle Ages were tumultuous years in central Europe. From religious wars to devastating plagues to political coups, European royalty sought…



Ilana Quinn

I am a university student who writes under a pseudonym about history, life and faith.